Padang – The Association of Sociology and Anthropology Education Study Programs throughout Indonesia (APPSANTI) held a meeting at Padang State University. The meeting had a series of activities, namely the National Working Meeting of APPSANTI administrators, Curriculum Synchronization Workshop, Visiting Lecture, and Visiting School for guest lecturers who attended. On this occasion, Irwan Nur, S.Sos., M.Pd. representing the Sociology Education Study Program, Department of History, Sociology and Libraries, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences was present at the meeting.
The first activity was the National Working Meeting of the APPSANTI management on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, on the fourth floor of the Multipurpose Hall, Faculty of Law, Social Sciences, Padang State University. This activity was opened by the Dean of FIS UNP Afriva Khaidir, S.H. .M.Hum, MAPA, Ph.D. attended by 22 representatives from several universities in Indonesia. This working meeting aims to discuss program plans that will be carried out in the future, such as synchronizing curriculum, research, community service, routine scientific activities, and managing journals in the field of Sociology and Anthropology Education. The working meeting activity was also filled with the signing of an article publishing collaboration between the Department of Sociology and APPSANTI.
The second activity was the implementation of the Sociology and Anthropology Education Curriculum Synchronization Worksop. Wednesday, October 26 2023 in the Hall of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Padang State University. Opened directly by Dr. Eka Vidya Putra, S.Sos, M.Sc. one of the lecturers at the Department of Sociology, Padang State University who also serves as Secretary General of APPSANTI.
The Sociology and Anthropology Education Curriculum Synchronization Workshop discussed the development of the curriculum of each university that attended the workshop. Especially regarding the structure of courses based on the curriculum, assignments, or final projects given to students such as Project Based Learning (PJBL) or Case-Based Learning (CBL), student exchanges, and lecturer exchanges.
The third activity, Visiting Lecture and Visiting School, was held at SMAN 1 Padang. Irwan Nur, S.Sos., M.Pd. as a guest lecturer took part in the APPSANTI Visiting School activity. He had the opportunity to provide material to class X.E2 students. The material is presented using an interactive method so that students are enthusiastic about listening and dare to provide arguments in learning. Irwan Nur, S.Sos., M.Pd. gave conclusions and appreciation to students who had been great in giving their arguments, and the activity closed with a group photo.