Singaraja- DPM Faculty of Law and Social Sciences (FHIS) Ganesha Education University (Undiksha) held a Dean’s Meeting, on Friday (18/11/2022). This activity took place in the FHIS Seminar Room as a space to express student aspirations.
This activity was attended by Faculty leaders, Faculty Student Advisors, and Ormawa within the Faculty and Department. This activity carries the theme “Creating Students who are FHIS (Familiar, Harmonious, Interactive, and Sociable).
The General Chairperson of the Undiksha FHIS DPM, Ni Luh Eniasih, said that the Dean’s Meeting was a follow-up activity to the aspirations that had been gathered from students, as well as being the main task and function of the FHIS DPM. At this meeting, the aspirations conveyed by students to faculty leaders were related to facilities and infrastructure, organizational performance, environmental cleanliness, as well as academic and non-academic activities. “Hopefully by carrying out this activity, Undiksha’s Faculty of Law and Social Sciences will be better and can become even more superior,” he said.
Dean of FHIS Undiksha, Prof. Dr. Sukadi, M.Pd., M.Ed., gave a warm welcome to the implementation of this activity. “I am very happy because this is the first time I have seen a polite demonstration. “This is very well implemented, so we from the leadership know what aspirations come from students, and vice versa, maybe from us at the Deanery there are those who want to convey their aspirations to students,” he said.
Through this activity, it is hoped that it can bring better changes to the faculty and university. (rls/hms)