Singaraja-On Sunday, 10/12/2023, a Public Lecture took place from the History Education Study Program, Department of History, Sociology and Library, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Ganesha Education University in collaboration with the History Education Study Program, PGRI Mahadewa University, Denpasar and Mahasaraswati University Denpasar. This activity was also held in the context of Implementing the P3SI Cooperation in the Bali Region. This activity takes the theme “Digitalization of History Learning Media in the Era of Society 5.0”.
On this occasion Prof. Dr. Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku, S.H., LL.M. as Deputy Dean I gave a speech and opened the event on behalf of the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences. Also present was Dr. Ketut Sedana Arta, S.Pd. M.Pd. as Deputy Dean III FHIS Undiksha, I Wayan Pardi, S.Pd., M.Pd. as Head of the History, Sociology and Library Department of FHIS Undiksha, I Wayan Putra Yasa, S.Pd., M.Pd. as Secretary of the History, Sociology and Library Department of FHIS Undiksha, Dra. Urged Made Oka Purnawati, M.Hum. as Coordinator of the History Education Study Program, Department of History, Sociology and Libraries as well as lecturer staff in the History Education Study Program.
This Public Lecture activity invited speakers from the Teaching and Education Faculty of Sriwijaya University, Dr. Syarifuddin, M.Pd. who is a Lecturer and Coordinator of the FKIP-Sriwijaya University History Education Study Program. This activity, which took place online, was attended by participants from Mahasaraswasti University lecturers, PGRI Mahadewa University lecturers, history teachers, alumni of the FHIS Undiksha History Education Study Program, teachers currently in professional teacher education (PPG) in Undiksha, students from the History Education Study Program who were invited to participate. the public lecture.
This activity was guided by a student from the History Education Study Program, Kadek Nova Suadnyana and on this occasion, the resource person was Dr. Syarifuddin, M.Pd. provides material about technological developments in education and the use of AI in History Education. After the presentation of the material, it was followed by a question and answer session between participants and resource persons. After the question and answer session ended, the activity ended with a conclusion reading and a group photo.