Badung – In the context of Research and Development of Education and Culture in the form of Induk Education Development in Badung Regency through Type II Self-Management at the Badung Regency Research and Development Agency for the 2023 Revised Fiscal Year, on Tuesday (26/09) the Principal Agreement was signed between the Badung Regency Regional Research and Innovation Agency and the University’s Faculty of Law and Social Sciences Ganesha Singaraja Education in Research and Development Activities in the Social and Population Sector. The activity, which was held in the Badung Regency Regional Research and Innovation Agency Meeting Room, was attended directly by the Self-Management Implementation Team from Ganesha Education University, namely Prof. Dr. I Nengah Suastika, S.Pd., M.Pd., Dr. Made Sugi Hartono, S.H., M.H., Dr. I Nengah Suarmanayasa, S.E., M.Si., and I Wayan Pardi, S.Pd., M.Pd. This activity is a follow-up to the research collaboration between the Badung Regency Regional Research and Innovation Agency and the Ganesha University of Education which was held some time ago.