Singaraja- The Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Ganesha Education University (Undiksha) hosted the Communication Forum for the Association of Indonesian Social Sciences Education Scholars (HISPISI), on Monday (9/11/2020). This event was attended by 12 universities, including Jakarta State University, Semarang State University, Makassar State University, Yogyakarta State University, Gorontalo State University, Manado State University, Malang State University, Padang State University, Ganesha Education University, Medan State University, University of Indonesian Education, as well as Surabaya State University.
Apart from this main agenda, this event was also combined with the National Student Scientific Writing Competition (LKTI) and on November 10 to coincide with Heroes’ Day, “The 2nd International Conference on Law, Social Sciences and Education (ICLSSE) entitled “Entering The New Normal Society”.
Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku, S.H., LL.M, said that holding this forum was intended to harmonize steps between universities, as well as make it easier to improve the quality of educators throughout Indonesia by creating scientific communication between the same institutions. “We hope that through communication in this forum, there will be ideas to improve the quality of education, especially in the field of social sciences,” he said.
Dean of FHIS Undiksha, Prof. Dr. Sukadi, M.Pd., M.Ed., hope that this forum can always work together in facing global challenges for better education. Involves all stakeholders in the faculty, this forum will be divided into several levels with groupings for each existing position. “This focus will simplify the cooperation process because at each level it is predicted that there will be different problems with different contexts. This grouping is expected to have a reciprocal effect and focus on abilities problem solving on the obstacles that must be faced in the rainbow century of knowledge and skills at every level,” he said.
Chairman of HISPISI, Prof. Dr. Komarudi, M.Si, in his speech at the same time opening the event conveyed the main things to higher education practitioners and administrators in Indonesia. He encouraged the main performance of universities to be able to accommodate various policies related to Freedom of Learning and Independent Campuses, which include the opening of new study programs, the university accreditation system, legal entity universities, and the right to study for students for three semesters outside the study program. “This is our collective task,” he stressed.
To make the Independent Learning and Independent Campus policies a success, according to him, stronger collaboration between universities in this forum needs to be supported. On this occasion, the importance of eight Main Performance Indicators (IKU) for Higher Education was also emphasized, namely University graduates, quantity of students gaining experience outside campus, lecturer activity working on projects outside campus, number of practitioners from outside campus teaching on campus, results applied research from lecturers on campus, the number of study programs or study programs that are collaborating with world-class partners, the number of courses that in the last evaluation were project-based learning or based on participation in class, and the number of study programs of international standard. (rls)