Saturday, February 1, 2020, at the Seminar Room of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Ganesha Education University, the 2021 Working Meeting of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences was held. This activity was chaired by Ketut Sedana Arta, S.Pd., M.Pd., and this event was opened by the Dean of FHIS Prof. Dr. Sukadi, M.Pd, M.Ed. In its opening, the Dean of FHIS hoped that the 2021 Working Meeting could run well so that in the future this activity would be able to increase Faculty clustering.
This Working Meeting was attended by lecturers, staff, and student representatives within FHIS. At the 2021 FHIS Working Meeting, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd. who is the Deputy Chancellor for PAK-HR (WR II) Undiksha is a resource person. In delivering the material, he explained how to independently manage and prepare faculty program budgets. The first thing to be discussed before managing and preparing the faculty program budget independently, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd. explained that there is still a need to improve Undiksha’s current conditions, such as lecture buildings, laboratory buildings and facilities, online-based service facilities, the ratio of lecturers, laboratory assistants and information processors, institutional income is “unavailable” with development, and the GB/LK/Master Doctoral (staff) constellation has not yet been implemented. according to the institutional bill. Due to this inadequate situation, the Faculty was given a policy to free up management and budget preparation. Faculties are free to create programs provided they can support the improvement of the University. In designing work programs, the faculty is guided by 4 phases, namely determining sources and use, determining program priorities, accelerating and revising programs, as well as disbursement and SPJ.
It was further stated that the faculty in preparing programs is based on performance planning, which consists of programs and activities to be implemented as well as performance indicators to be achieved by a budget entity. Integrated annual performance planning that shows the relationship between the level of program funding and the desired results of the program. The preparation is carried out by taking into account the relationship between outputs and expected results from these activities, including the level of effectiveness and program development that places more emphasis on utilizing available funds to achieve optimal and effective results for overall institutional achievements.
In striving to achieve the University’s Vision and Mission, the faculty in designing work programs strives to develop routine programs, namely programs that must exist and always exist in every budget, innovative programs, namely programs that always exist/are held for a certain budget year, operational programs, namely activities that are already familiar and it is always present in every budget, as well as terminative activities, namely activities that are carried out by innovation/not always present in every budget. Faculty program development is expected to be carried out in the stated form of Real Work. So that you can overcome problems and achieve the work targets that have been programmed.