Singaraja – Thursday (28/12), the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Ganesha Education University held an End of Year Celebration and Celebration of Achievement of the Academic Title of FHIS Undiksha Professor in the FHIS Seminar Room. The Academic Title of FHIS Professor is achieved by the lecturer on behalf of, namely 1). Prof. Dr. Drs. I Wayan Kertih, M.Pd., 2). Prof. Dr. Luh Putu Sendratari, M.Hum., 3). Prof. Dr. I Nengah Suastika, S.Pd., M.Pd., 4). Prof. Dr. Dewa Gede Sudika Mangku, S.H., LL.M. and 5). Prof. Dr. I Wayan Mudana, M.Sc. This thanksgiving activity began with expressing gratitude and thanks from the Dean of FHIS Undiksha who also represented as one of the recipients of the title of professor at FHIS Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Nengah Suastika, S.Pd., M.Pd. Then representing the Chancellor of Undiksha, Deputy Chancellor III Undiksha, Prof. Dr. Drs. I Ketut Sudiana, and M. Kes. who were also present delivered betel lime at the event. This activity was also attended by Vice Chancellor II Undiksha, Prof. Dr. I Wayan Artanayasa, S.Pd., M.Pd., Dean and Deputy Dean at Undiksha, Undiksha Postgraduate Director, Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd., Head of the Undiksha Academic and Student Affairs Bureau, Drs. I Made Yasa, M.Pd., LPPM Secretary and LPMPP Secretary at Undiksha, Lecturers, Employees, Student Organization Representatives and Cleaning Personnel at FHIS Undiksha. After the formal event, the event continued with a meal together.