The History Education Study Program, Department of History, Sociology and Libraries, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Ganesha Education University has carried out Field Work Lectures (KKL) activities on Monday, 22-28 January 2024. This activity was launched directly by the Secretary of the Department of History, Sociology, and Libraries, Mr. I Wayan Putra Yasa, S.Pd., M.A. Through his brief introduction, he expressed the hope that students taking part in this year’s KKL had prepared their equipment and supplies carefully. The long journey route not only excellent physical fitness but also mental readiness. Therefore, he advised all students involved to enjoy the trip happily.
The 2024 History Education study program KKL activity was attended by 44 students and accompanied by 2 lecturers. There were 21 people from semester 5 and 23 people from semester 3. The accompanying lecturers in this activity were Mr. I Wayan Putrayasa, S.Pd., M.Pd, and Mr. I Putu Hendra Mas Martayana, S.Pd., M.A. So that visits to historical sites are not in vain, the students involved were divided into 4 teams. The four teams include; Firstly, the Aksobhya team was tasked with documenting and describing the inscription site located at the Sangiran Museum. This museum is located in Sragen Regency, East Java. The visit to the museum was made on Saturday, January 27. It is hoped that the student’s visit to this museum will provide an overview of the life of ancient humans during the preliterate era. Apart from that, artifacts are also presented which formed an area rich in ancient sources several hundred million years ago.
Second, Ratna Sambawa’s team was tasked with documenting and describing Indonesian historical sites from the Dutch Colonial era such as Vradeburg Fort and Jogjakarta Palace. These two historical sites are both located in the Special Province of Jogajakarta. The visit was carried out on 26 January 2024. It is hoped that the student visit to this museum will provide a holistic picture of the repressive and persuasive actions carried out by the Dutch Colonial government when annexing the Dutch East Indies.
Third, the Amitabha team discussed the history of Indonesia during the Hindu and Buddhist periods. Three temples were visited, namely Borobudur (Buddhist), Prambanan (Hindu), and Ratu Boko (Hindu-Buddhist). A visit to these sites was carried out on January 25, 2024. It is hoped that a visit to this site will provide adequate knowledge about the history of Indonesia during the Hindu and Buddhist periods to students.
Fourth, the Wairocana team discussed the history of Indonesia in the contemporary period. Visits were made to contemporary Indonesian historical sites such as the Fatahillah Museum, the National Monument, and Lubang Buaya. Visits were held on January 22 and 23. A visit to this site is expected to provide an overview of the contemporary period in Indonesian history.
Apart from visits to historical sites, this year’s KKL also visited one of the education campuses in the city of Yogyakarta, namely Yogyakarta State University (UNY). This visit to UNY, in addition to sharing the developments of each study program, also sought possible collaborations that could be carried out in the future to increase the KPI.
This KKL activity is held not only to gain historical knowledge, more important than but is to provide new historical experiences for students to come into direct contact with physical historical sources (artifacts). The hope is that these two things can provide an optimal contribution to the development of competence in the field of history teaching.